“Beasts”, short story - The Evergreen Review (Winter 2023)
“Flushed”, short story - Flying Island Literary Journal (Winter 2023)
“Queue”, short story - A Gathering of the Tribes (January 2023) [read]
“Moments When You Knew You Weren’t True”, short story - Typehouse (December 2022) [read]
“Safe Space”, short story - decomp (June 2022) [read]
“Knots”, short story – Havik anthology (First Place - Fiction), Las Positas College (May 2022) [read]
“How Beverly Across The Street Is Committed To Fighting Racism” - Slackjaw (August 18, 2020) [read]
“Rescue Dog Or Hormonal Tween?” - Slackjaw (June 5, 2020) [read]
“The Fine Print in Your Planet Fitness Contract” - Slackjaw (March 22, 2020) [read]
“Writing Opportunities That Every Freelancer Should Be Grateful For” - Slackjaw (February 25, 2020) [read]
“Interior Dialogue: A Story in Three Acts” - DADDY (July 2021) [read]
“So Long, New York, It’s Been Real” - (originally published on Uptown Bourgeois March 5, 2018, curated by Medium editors April 28, 2019) [read]
“Solving For Vandalism” - Parks & Rec Business (March 2023) [read]
“An Award-Winning Sustainability Initiative” - Parks & Rec Business (February 2023) [read]
“Programming Ideas For the Community, By The Community” - Parks & Rec Business (January 2023) [read]
“Focus On Food” - Parks & Rec Business (December 2022) [read]
“The Importance of Low-Impact Hiking - Parks & Rec Business (November 2022) [read]
“Smashing Pumpkins in the Name of Sustainability” - Parks & Rec Business (October 2022) [read]
“More Than Water Shutoffs” - Parks & Rec Business (September 2022) [read]
“The Success of Ninja Gyms” - Parks & Rec Business (August 2022) [read]
“Waterpark Safety Depends On Logistics, Training, And Maintenance” - Parks & Rec Business (July 2022) [read]
“Campground Popularity Reaches New Heights” - Parks & Rec Business (June 2022) [read]
“Attract National Events” - Parks & Rec Business (May 2022) [read]
“Not Enough Lifeguards” – Parks & Rec Business (April 2022) [read]
“Managing Routine Maintenance” – Parks & Rec Business (March 2022) [read]
“Creating Budget-Friendly Sustainability Plans” – Parks & Rec Business (February 2022) [read]
“When Residents Reject Youth-Sports Fields” – Parks & Rec Business (January 2022) [read]